Hi There!

I am currently a fourth year student at the school of Interactive Arts and Technology. Through out my journey, I have developed a love for all things design, but of recent I’ve particularly grown an interest in exploring the different ways stories can be told within this field, especially graphically, and how I can continuously use design to challenge and to make a statement in our world today (provocatively, or not). For me, if design is not challenging a system...then what is it doing?

Outside of my design life, you can always see me outside in the Summer exploring the city of Vancouver which isn’t bad looking to be honest! I’m also African, particularly Nigerian or as I like to call us “Giants of Africa”. I also enjoy exploring different ways to celebrate my culture and introduce people through it in anyway I can (music, hair, clothing etc). Speaking of music, you can check out some of the recent African beats I am currently in love with here.

Looking forward to connecting with you!